At Home At Work We Come To You
Catering for Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, Café's, Deli's, Fish Shops and Take Aways, Hospital Kitchens, T.A.F.E Colleges and Schools.
Catering for the Kitchen, Home Workshop, Sewing and Hobbies, Gardening and Outdoors.Clipper Blades ( Dog and Horse Blades ), Knives, Axes, Tomahawks, Shovels, Spades.
Get a Xtra Sharp Edge on your tools. Catering for Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Fibre Glass Boat Builders, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Installers. Landscapers and Gardeners.
Xtra Sharp comes to your shop or home. Catering for Salons and Working from Home Hairdressers including Sharpening and Repairs for both right handed and left handed scissors.